Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Love For Martha

My Love, Martha

Hello, Jimmy Cross here, my love for Martha is very strong. I wish I could be with her for the rest of my life. I know that she doesn't love me like I love her, but I don't care. I have her pictures right next to me as I type this, the one of her leaning against a brick wall, and her playing volleyball. I also have the pebble in my mouth that she gave me, it still tastes like salt. I imagine her on the beach with her toes in the water. I would do anything to touch her left knee at this moment, and go to another movie with her. I wish I would've been brave enough to make a move on her, other than kissing her goodnight. I think about that everyday. I know nothing will ever happen between us, but a man can dream. I will just have to get over her. Ted Lavender is dead, because I love her so much and I cannot stop thinking about her. I tremble about the thought of Ted's death. I blame myself for his death, just like any other deaths of my men. I am so sorry Ted, but I love you Martha.

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