Tuesday, January 12, 2010

RIP Kiowa

The other day, one of my soldiers Kiowa died. He drowned in a shit field. It smelt so bad. I could barely even stand the smell, so to die in it and drown in it, I can't even imagine. Also we were surrounded by mosquitoes, which was annoying. We tried finding his body when I found out what happened because I didn't want his body to be in there any longer. Unfortunately we never found his body, I will be sending a letter to his family shortly about his death. I feel so horrible. Norman tried saving him from the shit field, but he wasn't able to. I understand, because the stink was horrible and I'm glad we only lost one soldier instead of two. Another weird story about the war was I saw a girl dancing in front of her burnt house. All of her family was dead and she was dancing in front of it. I don't really know why she would do that, but who knows. Maybe she was trying to erase what happened and danced to try to forget about all of her family burning to death. Azar was making fun of her, which I didn't think was very nice, he doesn't know what it's like to loose your family in a fire, none of us do. I'm loosing soldiers left and right. I'm really scared who's going to be next.

1 comment:

  1. Rat signing on, it took us a while to find Kiowa after the ambush had occured. I didnt like seeing our friend Kiowa being pulled out of the shit field. It just reminded me of how our friend Curt died when we were playing catch. The smell was horrifying and we didnt want to be there at all. Everyone was blaming themselves for his death and in war, people are going to die.
